Future of corporate reporting

Discover the latest insights and data on the future of corporate reporting.
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Our latest thinking

The CFO Imperative: How do you transform data into insight?

Finance leaders should accelerate an enhanced approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. Find out more.

The CFO Imperative: How can corporate reporting connect your business to its true value?

Reboot reporting and the finance operating model to meet demands for transparency and insight into financial and nonfinancial performance. Find out more.

The CFO Imperative: How to find long-term value in financial and nonfinancial reporting

Rethink corporate reporting as the importance of long-term value for capital markets and society continues to grow. Find out more.

The CFO Imperative: How to rethink the finance and reporting operating model for the future

Reframe the finance operating model through an innovative provider strategy. Find out more.

The CFO Imperative: How to build trust and talent for tomorrow’s reporting technologies

Build trust into finance and reporting AI and refresh talent strategy for a machine-powered future. Find out more.

    The CFO Imperative: How do you transform data into insight?

    Our 2022 global corporate reporting survey is now available for download.

    The Better Finance podcast

    Explore the changing dynamics of the business world and what it means for finance leaders of today and tomorrow.

    The team

    Nicolas Lecoq

    EY Global Financial Accounting Advisory Services Leader
    Trusted business advisor. Global citizen. Loving husband and father. Sports enthusiast.
    Washington, DC, USA

    Helene Siberg Wendin

    EY Global Financial Accounting and Advisory Services Deputy Leader
    Senior Assurance leader. Passionate about helping clients realize their potential. Champion of new technologies. Avid horse rider. Golf and yoga enthusiast.
    EY Göteborg, SWE

    Myles Corson

    EY Global and Americas Strategy and Markets Leader, Financial Accounting Advisory Services
    Supporter of finance leaders and functions of today and tomorrow. Global citizen. Podcast host. Curious mind. Father of two energetic boys.
    New York, USA

    Matthew Bell

    EY Global Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader
    Climate change and sustainability leader. Engaging in purposeful change and creating long-term value for global organizations. Savvy in science and technology.
    London, GBR

    Ben Taylor

    EY Global Strategy and Markets Leader, Climate Change and Sustainability Services
    Innovative thought leader on the future of finance, sustainability and technology. Constantly learning, questioning. Fan of design, slightly obsessed with bicycles, music-lover, husband
    London, GBR

    Dana Bober

    EY Americas Financial Accounting Advisory Services Leader
    Preparing today’s finance functions for tomorrow’s challenges. Experienced in finance transformation, complex accounting and operational design. Passionate advocate for women in business and finance.
    New York, USA
    Contact us
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